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Dec 24, 2021UncategorizedRead Moresdfdsdfsdfsdf
Test Blog Post
Dec 24, 2021UncategorizedRead Moredjhjw gcjhgc uoyg cvudsygfv ujdgsyfv ujgyfdv udysgfv udygfv ujsygdvujaehbv ajdgv uadsyv ka jsgdv agdkaUdgs vlkaudvh;akug vgudvikau gdsvgasidgv idg vasgdv ajyg vgcjfakuscft auyscfjasdfcuyec glkudsgcuasdgc uaygcv
What to Post on Social Media During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Jun 23, 2020Property ManagementRead MoreTo promote or not to promote? That is the big question multifamily businesses are asking themselves right now — and understandably so. With the COVID-19 outbreak, it is tough to continue promoting your property and available units on social media while people are losing their jobs, stuck inside their homes, and — in certain cases
Obstacles That Could Harm Your Apartment Website Design Effectiveness
Jun 23, 2020MultifamilyRead MoreMultifamily properties often get caught up in the unproductive cycle of design and redesign. Here are obstacles you might face when working on your apartment website.
Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Protect Your Residents and Disinfect Your Multifamily Property From COVID-19
Jun 23, 2020ApartmentsRead MoreKeep your residents informed about Coronavirus preventative measures to protect your apartment community and ensure your residents know how to mitigate the spread.
The Amenities Arms Race: What’s Attracting Your Residents?
Jun 23, 2020Property ManagementRead MoreKnowing the most coveted amenities to feature that will make your apartment community stand out is a critical part of maximizing revenue and retaining residents.